125 Cause and Effect Essay Topics

When it comes to writing an essay for a class, the cause and effect essay often stumps most students.

Not only does this essay need to be detailed in the way it presents information, but each cause and effect must be logically linked to each other as well as the main topic.

Furthermore, a cause and effect essay must be structured to clearly show the link between the cause and effect while allowing for transition throughout.

Even with solid writing skills and the ability to research and present information, students sometimes fail at this task because they can not settle on a topic to write about.

Fortunately, this article will cover 125 cause and effect essay topics and helpful tips on how to best structure a cause and effect essay to make clear and concise arguments.

By following these helpful tips, students will be well on their way to writing a cause and effect essay that will earn them the grade they need to pass their class and earn their degree.

What Is a Cause and Effect Essay?

A piece of writing that does one of these two things is considered a cause and effect essay:

  • Analyzes the ways that one or more effects result from a particular event, person, or thing
  • Analyzes the way that one or more causes lead to a singular or series of effects

Depending on the topic, it may be easier to structure your essay one way or the other as long as there is a logical connection between the causes and effects.

Essential Tips for Crafting a Cause and Effect Essay

When it comes to crafting an essay, many different strategies can be used. However, the key to writing a good cause and effect essay is following these that will allow students to build powerful arguments using well-researched information that supports their thesis statement.


As with any essay, a strong introduction is key to establishing the tone for your writing. With a cause and effect essay, the introduction should include:

  • An opening hook statement to grab the reader’s attention
  • General background info on the topic of choice (a few sentences)
  • A strong thesis detailing whether the essay will be focused on cause or effect

With these three critical pieces of information, the reader will understand what they are about to read, the general background of the topic and will be able to develop a strong judgment about whether they agree with the writer’s argument.

Body Paragraphs

The simplest cause and effect essay will need at least three body paragraphs. However, this number may increase relevant to the complexity of the topic or the designated word count set by your professor.

The structure of the body paragraph should contain:

  • Topic sentence that describes the main point of the paragraph
  • 2-3 supporting sentences
  • 2-3 facts or examples to back up the supporting sentences

The format should look something like this:

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting sentence
  • Fact or example
  • Supporting sentence
  • fact or example

For readability and clarity, refrain from using more than one key point or argument in each body paragraph.

Additionally, students should end each paragraph with a transition phrase or sentence that concludes the thought and leads into the next section, such as:

  • Because of this
  • As a result
  • Due to
  • On account of
  • For this reason
  • Therefore
  • Consequently

These transition words or phrases – and others with similar references – could be used 2-4 times throughout the paragraph to link the supporting sentences and examples together and make the essay more coherent and easier to follow.


The first sentence of your conclusion should be a restating of your thesis topic. This should not be a word-for-word retelling but rather a quick reminder of the main points covered in the essay. A few good examples of restating a thesis could begin with:

  • This essay highlighted the fact that…
  • This essay examined the effects of…
  • This essay exposed the causes of…

Next, students should summarize the main point from each body paragraph. Again this should not be a word-for-word retelling but rather a summarization. For example, a student might write:

  • In the introduction, I stated that…
  • The first body paragraph discussed how…
  • The second body paragraph illuminated how…

Lastly, a conclusion should always include a call to action. This means telling the reader what they should take away from your essay and why it is essential for them to do so. Additionally, the writer can end a cause and effect essay with a final inspirational thought or quote that summarizes the overall topic of the writing.

125 Cause and Effect Essay Topics

With a better idea of how to structure a cause and effect essay, students can find plenty of topics to write about. Of course, these are just a few suggestions, but students should feel free to choose any topic they are passionate about or genuinely care about.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Science

  1. What causes tidal waves?
  2. How does gravity affect the human body?
  3. What is the effect of global warming?
  4. How does fracking cause earthquakes?
  5. What are the causes of ozone depletion?
  6. How does evolution affect modern life?
  7. What are the effects of pollution on human health?
  8. How have humans caused deforestation?
  9. What causes the spread of disease?
  10. What causes cancer?
  11. What is the impact of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on plants, animals, and humans?
  12. Does low-calorie food cause weight gain?
  13. What causes the high levels of salt in human blood?
  14. What causes hurricanes or other extreme weather events?
  15. What are some effects of pollution on ecosystems?
  16. How does malaria affect humans?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Social Studies

  1. What are some causes of the Civil Rights Movement?
  2. What caused women to get the right to vote in the United States?
  3. How did religion affect early colonists’ lives in America?
  4. How does poverty cause crime?
  5. What are some causes of the Great Depression?
  6. What caused the Middle Passage and Atlantic Slave Trade?
  7. Why did communism spread quickly across Europe and Asia after World War II?
  8. How does racism affect people’s lives today in America?
  9. How did nationalism lead to war in the Balkans, Iraq, and Rwanda?
  10. What are some causes of immigration from Latin America into the United States today?
  11. Why do people immigrate illegally to countries?
  12. Why do students drop out of school?
  13. What are the causes and effects of military conflict in other countries like Syria and Iraq?
  14. How did immigrants and migrants shape and change United States history (i.e., The Great Wave)?
  15. What caused the fall of the Soviet Union?
  16. What are some causes of increased globalization in the world today?
  17. What were the effects of the Great Recession and financial crisis on the United States, Europe, and Latin America?
  18. How does immigration affect jobs in Western countries today?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Social Sciences

  1. What causes teenage rebellion?
  2. How effects does media have on social issues?
  3. What causes a drop in voting among citizens?
  4. What causes a decline in school pride?
  5. How does birth order affect personality?
  6. What are some causes of obesity in America?
  7. How does the concept of “cool” change over time?
  8. How does sexism affect women’s lives today?
  9. What are some causes of substance abuse among teens and young adults in the United States today?
  10. What are some causes of the rise of new religious movements and cults in America?
  11. What causes people to be more spiritual today?
  12. How does “sexting” lead to sex crimes among teens?
  13. What are some causes of the gender wage gap?
  14. What causes school shootings in America?
  15. What causes so many people to become obsessed in America?
  16. Why are more people single today?
  17. How will the internet shape the world in 100 years?
  18. What are some causes of post-adolescent depression among teens and young adults?
  19. What are some causes of poverty in America?
  20. What are some causes of violence at schools or universities in the United States today?
  21. What caused women to become more involved in politics recently?
  22. What are some causes of mental illness among teens and young adults today?
  23. What are some causes of depression among teenagers or students?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Humanities

  1. What causes a desire for fame?
  2. How does advertising affect our choices?
  3. What causes depression in teenagers?
  4. What is the cause of suicides in soldiers?
  5. How does the job market affect graduates?
  6. What are some causes of eating disorders in college students?
  7. What is the cause of road rage today?
  8. Why do people commit crimes today?
  9. What are some causes of crime among youth?
  10. How does politics shape our daily lives as citizens or voters?
  11. What are some causes of political and social injustice in the world today?
  12. What causes immigration into and emigration out of countries?
  13. How does illiteracy cause crime?
  14. Why do people seek therapy or counseling?
  15. What are some causes of mental illness among Americans today?
  16. What leads to self-harm and suicides among teens and young adults today?
  17. What are some causes of bullying among women?
  18. How do Americans view immigrants and immigration today? Why?
  19. What are some causes of substance abuse in youth or young adults?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Business or Marketing

  1. What is the cause of poor customer service?
  2. How does advertising affect sales?
  3. What causes monopolies in large companies?
  4. How does pricing affect the market share of a company?
  5. What caused the 2008 financial crisis?
  6. What caused the recent stock market crash?
  7. What are some causes of the Great Recession in the United States?
  8. How do social media sites affect relationships between consumers and businesses?
  9. How does a business plan create new opportunities for a company?
  10. Why do more people work from home today?
  11. What is causing a decrease in trust among consumers today?
  12. What were the causes of bankruptcy among large companies in the U.S.?
  13. What are some causes of globalization?
  14. What is causing a decrease in loyalty among consumers today?
  15. How has social media changed how brands advertise and market their products or services to customers?
  16. How does the availability of technology change business marketing?
  17. How do cultural differences affect business relationships with international companies?
  18. What is the cause of the boom in the organic food industry?
  19. What are some causes of conflict among businesses and consumers?
  20. What are some causes of a decline in small businesses?
  21. Why do more people prefer self-employment today than ever before?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Personal Development

  1. What are the benefits of eating better?
  2. What decreases stress, and how does it work?
  3. What is the cause of distraction among high school students?
  4. What happens when you don’t sleep enough?
  5. The benefits of quitting smoking.
  6. How do the effects of social media impact a teenager’s self-esteem or body image?
  7. How do strong coping mechanisms help process anxiety better?

Cause and effect essay topics on Current Events

  1. What causes an increase in identity theft rates?
  2. What is the cause of the rise of Islamophobia in the West?
  3. Why is there a lack of humanitarian aid from developed to developing countries?
  4. How did ISIS come into existence?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Arts and Literature

  1. What is the cause for the censorship of books in school?
  2. What is the effect of only focusing on winners and success stories in history?
  3. What caused an increase in illegal downloading of music?
  4. Why did rap songs become more explicit than ever before?
  5. What is the cause of the growing popularity of e-books?
  6. What are some causes of violence in video games?
  7. What are some causes of graphic sex scenes in books and movies today?
  8. Why do people want more realism in art?
  9. What is the cause of the increase of supernatural characters in fiction?
  10. What causes the illegal downloading of movies online?
  11. What is the cause for the decrease in movie theater attendance?
  12. What causes an increase or decrease in book sales?
  13. What is the cause for censorship in music and art?
  14. What is leading to greater realism in novels and movies today?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Technology

  1. What caused the invention of bluetooth speakers?
  2. Who invented the mouse, and what was their motivation?
  3. How did new technology help with video games in 2018?

There you have it – 125 cause and effect essay topics that are sure to inspire your inner writer and earn you a good grade on your next essay assignment.

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