160 Evaluation Essay Topics

If your instructor has asked you to write an essay that presents an opinion or viewpoint on a particular subject, it is an evaluation essay.

This type of essay can be written on a variety of topics, including but not limited to:

  • A body of work
  • An item
  • A service
  • A business
  • A piece of technology
  • A recent event

To write an effective evaluation essay, you must first understand what your position is on the topic. For example, if your chosen topic is a restaurant, you might write evaluate the following:

  • What do you think about the food? Is it delicious or bland?
  • Do they have friendly waiters and efficient service?
  • Where does the restaurant need improvement?

It is important to remember that you need to back up your opinions with examples. However, remember that while an evaluation essay can feature an opinion, it should not be opinionated. This means that your anecdotes should come from objective sources rather than just your subjective experiences.

For example, if you are describing a restaurant’s customer service, it would be helpful to find examples from reviews on the restaurant’s website. This way, there is a consensus among those who have been to the restaurant instead of just one person’s experience.

In addition to backing up your opinion with examples, you must use language that supports your viewpoint or opinion.

In other words, instead of saying, “I think the restaurant needs improvement,” try saying, “The restaurant lacks in customer service because the staff is not trained to handle a variety of customers.” This way, you sound more professional, and your opinion is not so readily apparent.

The Three Fundamentals of an Evaluation Essay

Every evaluation essay will require three key aspects to prove your point and give it value.


In an evaluation essay, it is essential to lay out the criteria used for the evaluation. These criteria will make up the bulk of your evaluation essay and should be well researched.

Criteria can come from two major categories, quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative criteria are objective measurements such as the number of tables in a restaurant or the length of time it takes to deliver an item.

Qualitative criteria are subjective and based on the evaluator’s opinions – for example, the decor in a restaurant or customer service.


After establishing the criteria, you need to determine and judge whether or not these criteria have been met. This can be done by writing a judgment statement.

For example, if your evaluation essay is about an ice cream shop, one of your key criteria might be the taste of their creations. You would then go on to judge whether or not the flavors and combinations taste good and match what you anticipated.


Now that you have set the criteria for analysis and the judgment of the experience, it’s time to present the evidence. The evidence can be presented in two ways – through statistics or anecdotes.

For example, if you are evaluating a restaurant that has been established for years, then it would make sense to present the statistical data that proves they have stood the test of time.

If your evaluation essay is about how cold an ice cream shop was when you visited in July, then you would present the evidence through your personal anecdote.

How to Write an Evaluation Essay

Evaluation essays are relatively straightforward to write if you follow these steps:

    • Step 1: Identify the criteria for evaluation. Determine what factors of the subject matter will be used to judge success or failure.
    • Step 2: State the criteria. Make sure your audience knows what factors will be used to judge whether or not the evaluation has been successful.
    • Step 3: Judge if the criteria have been met. Determine if you feel that these standards have been met based on the evidence.
    • Step 4: Present the evidence. Use quantitative or qualitative research to present proof that your judgment has been met.
    • Step 5: The last step is to summarize what you have evaluated, including whether or not you would recommend others experience it for themselves.

Following these steps will ensure that students can write an evaluation essay that resonates with their audience and gets their point across. If you are having trouble coming up with a topic to evaluate, check out the following list of 160 evaluation essay topics suitable for students at any level of education.

160 Evaluation Essay Topics

Evaluation Essay Topics About Sports

  1. Evaluate the performance of a particular sports team and its prospects in the future.
  2. Evaluate a sport and compare it to another sport. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each?
  3. Evaluate an athlete’s performance in a major competition and their overall career/statistics (ex: Serena Williams at Wimbledon).
  4. Evaluate the division of sports in your country and its division of genders, age groups, etc.
  5. Evaluate different levels of play (ex: high school, college, professional) and the differences you’ve noticed between them.
  6. What is the most incredible sporting event that you have attended?
  7. Evaluate the rules of a sport compared to another sport with different rules. Do you think that they are fair? Why or why not?
  8. Evaluate the impact of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs on sports. What are the effects of their usage?
  9. Evaluate whether or not you think that gambling should be allowed in the sport you choose and its impact on team success.
  10. Evaluate an athlete’s performance in a major international competition and their overall career/statistics (ex: Usain Bolt at the London Olympics).
  11. Evaluate the rules of a sport compared to another sport with different rules. Do you think that they are fair? Why or why not?
  12. Evaluate the most important sports story of the year and how it affected the industry as a whole.
  13. Evaluate whether or not you think that the Olympics should provide extra support for athletes with disabilities, disorders, etc., to participate at their own level.

Evaluation Essay Topics About Movies & Television

  1. Evaluate the directing of a particular movie or TV show. What are the benefits and drawbacks of it?
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of ratings for movies (i.e., G, PG, PG13, R)
  3. Evaluate how much influence producers have over actors during the filming process.
  4. How has modern technology affected the way we watch movies/TV?
  5. Evaluate the impact of movie reviews by professional critics on sales figures. What are their overall effects?
  6. What do you think the future of media will be like based on current trends?
  7. Evaluate an actor’s performance in a major movie or TV show and their overall career/statistics.
  8. Evaluate whether or not you feel that movies are too violent these days, considering the violence shown on screen versus what is described in books.
  9. Evaluate how much influence producers have over actors during the filming process.
  10. Evaluate the technologies used to make movies versus how they are shown in theaters or on TV. Which do you prefer? Why?
  11. Evaluate whether or not you feel that celebrities use social media too much, considering its overall effects.
  12. Evaluate whether or not you think that actors should use social media for advertising their movies.
  13. Evaluate the merits of the last movie you saw.
  14. Evaluate the series finale of your favorite tv show.
  15. Evaluate the series premiere of a new Netflix show.
  16. Evaluate the selection of Netflix compared to the selection of Hulu.
  17. Evaluate the popularity of Netflix compared to the popularity of Hulu.
  18. Evaluate the number of advertisements on network television vs. cable television.
  19. How has modern technology affected the way we watch movies/TV?
  20. What is your favorite movie genre, and why?
  21. Provide insight into this year’s Emmy Awards.
  22. Evaluate the effects of reality TV on your generation.
  23. What do you think is going to be popular next year?
  24. What has been the most influential movie genre in history, and why?
  25. Evaluate the rumors surrounding a new film and how they affect ticket sales.
  26. Evaluate something you don’t like in movies (ex: movie reboots, sequels) and why (or why not).
  27. Evaluate the impact of Netflix on network television.

Evaluation Essay Topics About Food

  1. Evaluate an ethnic dish of your culture vs. another culture’s dish. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each?
  2. How has social media influenced the restaurant industry?
  3. How has modern technology affected your eating habits?
  4. Evaluate the quality of the last meal you ate.
  5. Evaluate the merits of eating at the dinner table vs. eating in front of the television.
  6. Evaluate the last restaurant you went to.
  7. Evaluate the customer service of a chain restaurant.
  8. Evaluate the menu of a popular chain restaurant.
  9. Evaluate whether or not you feel that restaurants are too loud these days, considering the noise levels at different times.
  10. Evaluate the Paleo food diet.
  11. Evaluate whether or not you think that restaurants are held to higher health standards these days, considering the cleanliness of the facilities.
  12. Evaluate whether or not you think food is becoming more convenient for customers with dietary restrictions.
  13. Evaluate your favorite healthy meal and why it’s your favorite meal.
  14. Evaluate the prices at grocery stores and determine which one is the most affordable.
  15. Evaluate the quality of different fast-food restaurants considering the price.
  16. Evaluate your favorite fast-food restaurant and why you like it.
  17. Evaluate how much influence food companies have over our eating habits considering children’s marketing strategies.
  18. What are the best foods to eat before/during/after exercise?
  19. Evaluate restaurants that use sustainable practices.
  20. Evaluate grocery delivery services.
  21. Evaluate the environmental impact of fast-food chains.
  22. What are your thoughts on meal-kit delivery services?
  23. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of fasting for religious reasons.

Evaluation Essay Topics About Technology

  1. Evaluate the benefits of different crypto wallets.
  2. Evaluate the benefits of using USB drives over cloud storage.
  3. Evaluate the benefits of backing up your data in the cloud versus on a hard drive.
  4. Evaluate the merits of different social media platforms and which one you prefer and why (ex: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat).
  5. What makes a good password?
  6. What is the best app for tracking friends and family?
  7. What are some benefits and drawbacks of online shopping?
  8. What makes an internet troll?
  9. Evaluate the merits of using an iPhone instead of an Android.
  10. Evaluate the best protective cases for mobile devices.
  11. Which cell phone company has the best service?
  12. Which cell phone company has the worst service?
  13. Is it worth it to have a desktop computer?
  14. Which battery lasts the longest in a cell phone?
  15. Which sustainable light solutions offer the best indoor lighting?
  16. What are some disadvantages of modern technology when it comes to the environment?
  17. How is social media affecting how young people communicate in person?
  18. Evaluate whether or not you think that Apple products are overpriced, considering the benefits they provide.
  19. Evaluate whether or not you think that package tracking apps are worth using, considering the time you will save.
  20. Evaluate the pros and cons of using an online calendar.
  21. Which digital payment system is easiest to use?
  22. What are your thoughts on QR codes?
  23. Evaluate whether or not you think that people take photos too often, considering the benefits it provides.

Evaluation Essay Topics About Travel

  1. Evaluate your favorite travel experience and why it’s your favorite.
  2. Evaluate whether you prefer to travel alone or with the company.
  3. What are some benefits and drawbacks of using ride-sharing services?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in hotels?
  5. Evaluate which form of transportation is best considering the environmental impact.
  6. Which airlines offer the best deals year-round?
  7. What airlines have the best prices when it comes to luggage fees?
  8. What is the most comfortable airline to ride with?
  9. What are the benefits of taking the bus over flying in an airplane?
  10. Is train travel better than air travel when comparing cost?
  11. Which country has the best food?
  12. Which country has the best healthcare?
  13. Evaluate the differences in electric cars in different countries.
  1. Evaluate the differences between tax refunds when traveling abroad.
  2. Evaluate whether you think it is worth it to join a travel club.

Evaluation Essay Topics About School

  1. Evaluate what makes your favorite school lunch stand out from all the others.
  2. What are some benefits and drawbacks of personalized education programs?
  3. What is the biggest challenge facing education today?
  4. How can we keep students from dropping out of school?
  5. Is it better to learn a trade or go into higher education (college)?
  6. Evaluate how teachers can incorporate technology into lessons.
  7. Should schools require uniforms?
  8. What are the benefits and drawbacks of having so many after-school activities?
  9. Is it better to have music, art, or physical education classes/activities in school?
  10. Should schools offer one-on-one tutoring sessions?
  11. How can we keep students more engaged in school?
  12. Evaluate whether or not you think that homework is worth doing.
  13. Evaluate whether or not you agree with dress codes in school.
  14. Evaluate how we can help students properly manage stress and mental health.
  15. What are some things we can do to help student-athletes stay focused?
  16. Is it worth it to have online classes?
  17. What are the best ways to make our schools safe for everyone?
  18. Evaluate whether or not you think it is important for students to have a study group.

Evaluation Essay Topics About Services

  1. What is the best tax preparation service?
  2. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using a handyman for home repairs.
  3. Is it better to use a maid service or clean the house yourself?
  4. What are some advantages and disadvantages of hiring a lawn care service?
  5. Should we have delivery services for groceries?
  6. Do you think that there should be a fee for using self-checkout lanes?
  7. What are some pros and cons of home security systems?
  8. Evaluate whether or not you think that it is worth using a pet-sitting service?
  9. Evaluate which moving company provides the best service.
  10. What are some advantages and drawbacks of hiring a pool cleaner?
  11. Is it better to have a doorman or not have one at all?
  12. What are some benefits and drawbacks of using a locksmith?
  13. Evaluate which company provides the best customer service.
  14. What is the best hotel chain?
  15. Is it better to buy all furniture from one store or shop at multiple stores?
  16. What are some benefits and drawbacks of using same-day delivery services?

Evaluation Essay Topics About the Environment

  1. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using reusable shopping bags?
  2. What is the most significant environmental problem today?
  3. Is recycling worth it?
  4. Evaluate how deforestation is destroying our planet?
  5. Evaluate whether or not you think it is worth using a wood stove?
  6. Evaluate how safe nuclear energy is for our planet.
  7. What are some benefits and drawbacks of using solar panels in homes?
  8. Is it better to drive a hybrid car or not have a car at all?
  9. What are some benefits and drawbacks of using a water softener?
  10. Evaluate how decreasing our carbon footprint can help save our planet.
  11. Is it better to use an electric stove instead of a gas stove?
  12. What are the benefits and drawbacks of recycling?
  13. Do you think that it is worth it to compost your food scraps?
  14. Evaluate the impact that chemtrails have.
  15. How safe is fracking?

Evaluation Essay Topics About Music

  1. What are some benefits and drawbacks of listening to music while studying?
  2. Is it better to attend a concert or watch concerts on TV?
  3. Evaluate whether or not you think that digitized music is better than records.
  4. Should there be age restrictions for certain types of music?
  5. What are some pros and cons of listening to music while driving?
  6. What are the benefits and drawbacks of playing musical instruments as a hobby?
  7. Evaluate whether or not you think that concerts create higher ticket prices.
  8. Should music be censored?
  9. What are some benefits and drawbacks of making music at home?
  10. Is it better to listen to music before studying or not listen to it at all?

These are just some of many evaluation essay topics. The key to writing one successfully is being able to take an objective and unbiased perspective to give an accurate assessment of the topic.

You’ll want to start with a thesis statement and keep in mind that it should be specific, concise, and straightforward. Be sure to support your thesis with evidence from various sources such as surveys, statistics, interviews, websites, case studies, or experiments.

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