170 Comparative Essay Topics

Essay writing prompts vary depending on what type of essay you are asked to write. For example, for some essay writing assignments, your instructor may ask you to create a comparative essay that compares and contrasts two things. This type of essay is common in high school and college English classes, as well as in other disciplines such as history or sociology.

Unlike other essay writing styles, comparative essays present a unique challenge for students in that they require the use of both critical thinking and analytical skills. To write a successful comparative essay, you will need to understand how to compare and contrast two different subjects effectively.

This guide will provide you with some tips on getting started with writing your comparative essay and provide 170 comparative essay writing topics to help get your creative juices flowing.

The Basics of Comparative Essays

Before you start writing your comparative essay, it is important to understand the basics of this type of essay. A comparative essay is an essay that compares two or more subjects. These subjects can be anything from people, places, things, concepts, or events.

The key to writing a successful comparative essay is to find two subjects that are similar enough to be compared but different enough to provide an interesting and insightful contrast. For example, you could compare and contrast two different historical figures, two different novels, or even two different theories.

Writing Comparative Essays

Once you have selected your subjects, the next step is to determine what points of similarity and difference exist between them. This will require you to research both subjects to identify their key features.

Once you have identified the key points of similarity and difference, you can start planning your essay. A comparative essay typically consists of four paragraphs – an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Comparative Essay Introduction

In the introduction, you will need to provide background information on both subjects and explain why you have chosen to compare them. You will also need to introduce your thesis statement.

A thesis statement summarizes the essay’s main argument and should concisely state what you will be proving in your paper. For example, your thesis statement for a comparative essay about presidents of the United States could be:

“Though both John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln were great presidents, they differed in their approaches to politics. These differences can be seen in their policies on civil rights and foreign affairs.”

This thesis statement example clearly identifies the two subjects being compared (presidents Kennedy and Lincoln), the points of similarity and difference (their approaches to politics), and what will be proven in the essay (that their differences led to different outcomes).

Comparative Essay Body

The body paragraphs of your essay will each focus on one point of comparison. So, for example, if you are comparing and contrasting two different presidents, you may want to focus on their policies on civil rights in one body paragraph and their foreign policy views in another.

Within each body paragraph, you will need to provide evidence to support your claims. This evidence can come in the form of statistics, quotes from experts, or real-life examples.

It is important to make sure that your evidence is both relevant and persuasive in order to support your argument. In addition, be sure to provide counterarguments to any opposing viewpoints you anticipate your reader may have.

Comparative Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of your comparative essay should summarize the main points of comparison and contrast between the two subjects, as well as reinforce your thesis statement.

In addition, the conclusion should leave your reader with a strong impression of what they have just read. You may want to end with a thought-provoking question or an interesting quotation that will stay with your reader long after they have finished reading your essay.

Essential Aspects of Writing Comparative Essays

To ensure you are writing a comparative essay and not a simple report, there are a few key aspects you should keep in mind:

  • Your essay must have a clear purpose or argument. Simply listing the similarities and differences between two subjects is not enough – you need to make an argument about why it matters that they are compared.
  • You must use evidence to support your claims. This evidence can come in the form of statistics, quotes from experts, or real-life examples.
  • Your essay should be well-organized and easy to follow. Be sure to introduce your thesis statement in the introduction and include topic sentences at the beginning of each body paragraph.
  • You should anticipate and address counterarguments to your own argument. This shows that you are aware of different points of view and can effectively refute them.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your comparative essay is well-written and meets the assignment’s requirements.

170 Comparative Essay Topics

With the knowledge above of writing a comparative essay and this list of 170 comparative essay topics, you’ll be well on your way to writing an excellent essay in no time.

Comparative Essay Topics About Countries

  1. Compare and contrast the education system in the United States with the education system in another country of your choice.
  2. Compare and contrast the healthcare systems in the United States and Canada.
  3. What are the similarities and differences between the political systems of the United Kingdom and France?
  4. How does the economy of China differ from the economy of Japan?
  5. What are the similarities and differences between the cultures of Spain and Mexico?
  6. Compare and contrast the tonal language differences between Mandarin and Cantonese.
  7. How does the standard of living in the United States compare to the standard of living in Norway?
  8. Comparative essay on the healthcare systems in France and Germany.
  9. Compare and contrast the immigration policies of Australia and Canada.
  10. How does the cost of living in Japan compare to the cost of living in the United States?
  11. How do the political systems of South Africa and Nigeria differ?
  12. Compare and contrast the cultures of Spain and Portugal.
  13. What are the similarities and differences between the religions of Hindus?

Comparative Essay Topics About History

  1. How did the American Revolution compare to the French Revolution?
  2. What were the causes and effects of World War I? How did it compare to World War II?
  3. How did Ancient Greece and Rome influence the United States’ founding?
  4. Compare and contrast the policies of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson.
  5. Who was a more effective leader, Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar? Why?
  6. Compare and contrast the American Revolution and the French Revolution.
  7. What are the similarities and differences between the fall of the Roman Empire and the fall of the Soviet Union?
  8. Compare and contrast the policies of Stalin and Trotsky.
  9. How did Ancient Greece differ from Ancient Rome?
  10. Compare and contrast the cotton gin and the spinning jenny.

Comparative Essay Topics About Literature

  1. Compare and contrast Homer’s Odyssey with Virgil’s Aeneid.
  2. What are the similarities and differences between William Shakespeare’s tragedies and comedies?
  3. How does the poetry of Robert Frost differ from that of Langston Hughes?
  4. Compare and contrast the novels of Jane Austen with the novels of Charlotte Bronte.
  5. How is J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye similar to Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
  6. Compare and contrast the novels of Harper Lee with the novels of Toni Morrison.
  7. How is John Milton’s Paradise Lost similar to Dante’s Inferno?
  8. Compare and contrast the epics of Homer with the epics of Virgil.
  9. What are the similarities and differences between the plays of Sophocles and Euripides?
  10. How does the poetry of Sylvia Plath differ from that of Anne Sexton?
  11. Analyze how different authors from different historical periods have tackled the same subject matter.
  12. Compare and contrast the treatment of a theme or characters in two works of literature.
  13. How does the use of literary devices differ between two poets?
  14. What are the similarities and differences in how two authors use setting in their stories?

Comparative Essay Topics About Movies or Television Shows

  1. Compare and contrast two movies with similar themes.
  2. Compare and contrast two television shows with similar plots.
  3. How does the way television shows are written today compare to how they were written in the past?
  4. Compare and contrast the acting styles of two Hollywood actors.
  5. What are the similarities and differences between independent films and studio films?
  6. How does the way movies are marketed today compare to how they were marketed in the past?
  7. Compare and contrast two film directors and their work.
  8. What are the similarities and differences between black-and-white films and color films?
  9. Compare and contrast the role of women in film in the ’50s vs. now.
  10. Compare and contrast two movies with different plots but similar themes.
  11. How does the way movies are shot today compare to how they were shot in the past?
  12. What are the similarities and differences between foreign and American films?
  13. How has the portrayal of violence in film changed over time?
  14. What are the similarities and differences between documentary films and feature films?
  15. How does the use of special effects differ between two action movies?
  16. What are the similarities and differences between two sports movies?
  17. Compare and contrast how two different directors have adapted the same novel into a film.
  18. How does the use of music in two different films compare?
  19. What are the similarities and differences in how two different countries produce films?
  20. How does the film industry in India compare to the film industry in Hollywood?
  21. Compare and contrast how two different producers have tackled the same subject matter in a documentary film.
  22. How does the use of special effects differ between two science fiction movies?

Comparative Essay Topics About Education

  1. How does the level of education in the United States compare to the level of education in Finland?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between homeschooling and public schooling?
  3. What are the similarities and differences between private and public schools?
  4. Compare and contrast the higher education systems in the United Kingdom and the United States.
  5. How do the admission requirements for colleges and universities differ around the world?
  6. What are the similarities and differences between trade schools and traditional colleges?
  7. How does the structure of a classroom differ between elementary school and high school?
  8. What are the similarities and differences in how children are taught in China and the United States?
  9. What is the difference between a Montessori school and a traditional school?
  10. Compare and contrast online education with traditional classroom learning.
  11. How does distance learning differ from traditional education?
  12. What are the similarities and differences between charter and private schools?
  13. Compare and contrast how two different countries approach education.
  14. What are the similarities and differences in how boys and girls are taught in single-sex schools?
  15. How does the level of education in rural areas compare to the level of education in urban areas?
  16. Compare and contrast the education systems in developed and developing countries.
  17. What are the similarities and differences between vocational schools and traditional colleges?
  18. How has the structure of classrooms changed over time?

Comparative Essay Topics About Art

  1. Compare and contrast the work of two painters from different periods in history.
  2. How does the style of musicians from different genres differ?
  3. Compare and contrast the methods used by the sculptors Rodan and Michelangelo.
  4. How does post-impressionism differ from impressionism?
  5. Compare and contrast the work of two photographers from different periods in history.
  6. What are the similarities and differences between the techniques used by two photographers?
  7. What is the difference between support systems available to artists in different eras?
  8. What has been the impact of technology on art in recent years?
  9. How does the work of artists from different cultures differ?
  10. How have attitudes to art changed over time?
  11. What are the similarities and differences between how artists from different cultures approach their work?
  12. What is the difference between traditional and contemporary art forms?
  13. How has the definition of “art” changed over time?
  14. How have the methods used by artists to sell their work changed over time?
  15. What are the similarities and differences between how artists from different cultures use color in their work?

Comparative Essay Topics About Architecture

  1. Compare and contrast the work of two architects from different periods in history.
  2. How has the role of architects changed over time?
  3. Compare and contrast the work of two landscape architects from different historical periods.
  4. What are the similarities and differences between traditional and contemporary architecture?
  5. How does the work of architects from different cultures differ?
  6. What is the difference between the work of an architect and the work of a civil engineer?
  7. How has the function of buildings changed over time?
  8. What are the similarities and differences between Gothic architecture and Romanesque architecture?
  9. What is the difference between the work of an interior designer and the work of an architect?
  10. What are the similarities and differences between the work of an architect and the work of a construction worker?
  11. How has technology affected the work of architects? Is a specific technology better or worse than another?
  12. What is the difference between sustainable architecture and traditional architecture?
  13. What are the similarities and differences between the work of an architect and the work of an urban planner?
  14. How does the work of an architect differ from the work of a landscape architect?
  15. What is the difference between modern architecture and post-modern architecture?
  16. What are the similarities and differences between the work of an architect and the work of an environmental scientist?

Comparative Essay Topics About Culture

  1. Compare and contrast the customs and traditions of two cultures.
  2. How has the definition of “family” changed in different cultures?
  3. What are the similarities and differences between how men and women are treated in different cultures?
  4. Compare and contrast the customs and traditions of two religious groups.
  5. What is the difference between the customs and traditions of a regressive culture and a culture that is progressive?
  6. What are the similarities and differences between the customs and traditions of two ethnic groups?
  7. Compare and contrast the way that children are raised in two different cultures.
  8. What is the difference between how families live in rural areas and how families live in urban areas?
  9. What are the similarities and differences between how people in different cultures spend their leisure time?
  10. What is the difference between the way that people in different cultures dress?
  11. What is the difference between the way that people in different cultures communicate?
  12. What is the difference between the customs and traditions of an individualistic culture and a culture that is collectivistic?
  13. Compare and contrast the way that people in different cultures think about death.
  14. What are the similarities and differences between how people in different cultures view marriage?
  15. What is the difference between the customs and traditions of a monotheistic culture and a culture that is polytheistic?
  16. What are the similarities and differences between how people in different cultures view work?
  17. What is the difference between the customs and traditions of a materialistic culture and a culture that is non-materialistic?
  18. What are the similarities and differences between how people in different cultures view money?
  19. What is the difference between the customs and traditions of a collectivist culture and an individualist culture?
  20. What are the similarities and differences between how people in different cultures view education?

Comparative Essay Topics About Science

  1. How do the theories of Darwin and Lamarck differ?
  2. How do the findings of Copernicus differ from those of Galileo?
  3. What are the similarities between Newton’s laws of motion and Einstein’s theory of relativity?
  4. What is the difference between the Big Bang theory and the Steady State theory?
  5. How do the findings of archaeologists differ from those of anthropologists?
  6. What is the difference between the work of a chemist and the work of a physicist?
  7. What are the similarities and differences between the work of a biologist and the work of a zoologist?
  8. What is the difference between Darwin’s theory of evolution and Lamarck’s theory of evolution?
  9. What are the similarities and differences between Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis and Jung’s theory of psychoanalysis?
  10. What is the difference between the work of a psychologist and the work of a psychiatrist?
  11. How do the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky differ?
  12. What is the difference between the findings of a geologist and the findings of a meteorologist?
  13. What are the similarities and differences between the work of an astronomer and the work of a cosmologist?
  14. What is the difference between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics?
  15. What are the similarities and differences between the work of a chemist and the work of a toxicologist?
  16. What is the difference between inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry?
  17. What are the similarities and differences between physical geography and human geography?
  18. What is the difference between geology and oceanography?
  19. What is the difference between the work of an archaeologist and the work of a paleontologist?
  20. What are the similarities and differences between the work of a seismologist and the work of a volcanologist?

Comparative Essay Topics About Technology

  1. Compare and contrast the first automobile and the latest model you can think of.
  2. What are the similarities between a smartphone and a regular cell phone?
  3. How does the internet differ from television?
  4. What are the similarities and differences between a laptop and a desktop computer?
  5. How did the printing press compare to contemporary methods of printing?
  6. How did the Wright brothers’ airplane compare to contemporary models?
  7. What are the similarities and differences between a car and a train?
  8. Compare and contrast the development of the steam engine with that of the electric motor.
  9. How has transportation changed since the advent of the automobile?
  10. What are the similarities and differences between a submarine and an airplane?
  11. What are the similarities and differences between a tank and a battleship?
  12. Compare and contrast the Wright brothers’ airplane with the Apollo space shuttle.
  13. How has warfare changed since the development of nuclear weapons?
  14. What are the similarities and differences between a rocket and a missile?
  15. What are the similarities and differences between a satellite and a space station?
  16. What are the similarities and differences between a telescope and a microscope?
  17. Compare and contrast early forms of communication with contemporary methods.
  18. How has transportation changed since the development of the railroad?
  19. What are the similarities and differences between a blimp and a hot air balloon?
  20. Explore the similarities and differences between AI and the human brain.
  21. What are the similarities and differences between a nuclear reactor and a solar panel?

All 170 of these comparative essay topics will provide plenty of material for writing. Remember to start by outlining your essay’s intro, body, and conclusion to help guide your writing. Also, don’t forget to use concrete examples, back up your claims with evidence from reliable sources, and always write in clear and concise language.

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