Dante’s Inferno Analytical Essay Sample

How to write an analytical essay

If you ever need to write an analytical essay on any topic, then for you this information will be useful. You need to that such an analytical essay. An analytical essay is a text that contains an analysis of facts and conclusions about a particular topic. You can even say that this is a small study. If the information essay gives a general understanding of some event, then the analytical opens up facts that were not previously known, makes a more in-depth analysis. To get an exciting and useful analytical essay, the analysis of the material is done very carefully. The most important thing is that you understand the topic and could pass it to the target audience.

We need to find as many sources of information as possible, to approach the issue from different sides. This approach will give the material more depth and interest. When all available information is systematized, it is possible to begin to determine the structure of the future essay. It depends on many factors. Including the number of proofs of the thesis, the topic itself and much more. Us consider an example of an analytical essay. We will disassemble such product, as the Divine comedy. Oft because of love, actions that beyond understanding are committed. In poets, it is customary, having experienced love, to devote their works to the object of feelings. But if this poet is still a person with an uncertain fate and is not without a genius, there is a possibility that he can write one of the most significant works in the world. This was Dante Alighieri.

Dante’s inferno analysis example

Genre and direction

“Comedy” – a special work in the history of world literature. If you look at a broader plane – this is a poem. The problem here is that there are no more such works. He and the name to come up, which would reflect the meaning of the text, it is impossible. “Comedy” Dante’s composition decided to call

Giovanni Boccaccio, following the logic of the Aristotelian doctrine of drama, where the comedy was a work that started badly and ended well. The epithet “divine” was invented in the 16th century.

In the direction – this is a classic work of the Italian Renaissance. Dante’s poem has an exceptional national elegance, rich imagery, and accuracy. With all this, the poet also does not neglect the loftiness and freedom of thought. All these features were peculiar to the revivalistic poetry of Italy. They form the unique style of Italian poetry of the XIII – XVII centuries.

Giovanni Boccaccio, when he wrote a sonnet on behalf of Dante, dedicated to the purpose of the poem, said the following: “To entertain the descendants and instruct in faith.” This is true: “The Divine Comedy” can serve as an admonition in the faith because it is based on Christian teaching and clearly shows what and who is waiting for disobedience. And to entertain, she can. Considering, for that “Paradise” is the most obscure part of the poem, since all the entertainment that a person loves is described in the two previous chapters, well, or the fact that the work is about Dante’s love. The function that, as Boccaccio said, entertains, can even argue in its importance with the function of edification.

The image of Dante

Dante is the protagonist of the poem. It is noteworthy that throughout the book his name is not indicated anywhere, except, perhaps, the covers. The narrative comes from his person, and all the other characters call him “you.” The narrator and the author have much in common. The “gloomy forest”, in which he was found at the very beginning, is the expulsion of the real Dante from Florence, the moment when he was in turmoil. And Virgil from the poem is the works of a Roman poet that existed for an exile in reality. How his poetry led Dante through the difficulties here, and in the afterlife, Virgil is his “teacher and example favorite.” In the system of characters, the ancient Roman poet also personifies wisdom. The hero shows himself most well concerning sinners who offended him personally during his lifetime. To some of them, he even says in the poem that they deserve it.

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